Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Brief History Of My Camera's."

My "first" camera was a Canon Powershot A2200, This was also the camera I discovered my passion for photography on. This camera was inexpensive and I purchased it for travel purposes, it cost me roughly 100.00$ (don't quote me on this as I'm a Canadian and prices can vary depending on Country/Currency etc...)

The Canon Powershot A2200 takes great photographs. I was shocked at the quality of such a little camera. It was great to travel with, and can pack away nicely without taking up much room (In a purse or bag).

 The picture above is an example of what type of photograph your looking at with the Canon Powershot A2200.

After having the Canon for a year I decided to upgrade to a more "expensive" camera. I decided to buy the Fujifilm FinePix S4200. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS CAMERA. It has everything you'll need + more... I bought this camera to further enhance my Photography skills. The Fujifilm FinePix S4200 runs for about 200.00$. Again (Don't quote me on this as this price is roughly what a Canadian would be paying). I take this camera everywhere, EVERYWHERE. Unlike the Canon though, this camera is a lot larger/bulkier and takes up a lot of space while traveling... but for 200.00 you get that "bang" for your buck alright! 

The picture's above is an example of what type of photograph's your looking at with the Fujifilm FinePix S4200.

With so many camera's out there it makes choosing one extremely difficult, especially with limited cash! For beginners, I say start off with an inexpensive camera. Even a cell phone would do! 

If you have the eye for photography, anything with a point and click should do the trick ;). Once you've felt that it's time to enhance your skills, upgrade to something "better."

Remember, "better" doesn't always mean more "expensive." Also don't be afraid of buying second hand... Just make sure if you are buying second hand to try it out before buying/get the seller to give a small tutorial on the features/do your "homework" on the camera!

This was a small/very brief history of Camera's I've enjoyed. As you may have noticed while reading earlier I stated My "first" camera... these aren't the only two camera's I have owned/used, BUT these are the most recent/credible. 

Thank you for reading,
Lateasha Smith.

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